Are you struggling to get in enough veggies? Are you finding it harder to serve fresh veggies right now? Or maybe your kids are refusing veggies or just not interested in them right now? Or maybe this is common and they generally don’t eat them.

Honestly, we’ve been pretty fortunate to have access to fresh veggies, but I rely on frozen A LOT! And they’ve been harder to come by during this pandemic. The stores have been wiped out! I like frozen because they keep much longer than fresh and I don’t have to plan too much.

Not to mention this bonus: they have little to no prep.

Without washing or chopping, you can steam frozen broccoli in a bag. Add frozen green beans to a saute pan with olive oil, salt, and pepper, or a little soy sauce. Or eat frozen peas, frozen. (Not for me, but my kids love them!)

With the lack of frozen I tried canned carrots. My kids turned their noses up. Tried canned peas, not fans! Next on the list, creamed corn, husband’s request. But I might turn my nose up, ha! I haven’t had it since I was a kid but I wasn’t a fan back then, so we’ll see!

Fresh veggies are around but trying not to buy too many because they have a quick expiration.

So… my kids are definitely not being served, and therefore not eating, veggies as often as usual.

While I like to offer a variety of foods and keep veggies in the rotation, usually a couple times a day, that’s definitely not happening right now.

I know diet culture would have you believe they’re about to be malnourished tomorrow, but the truth is, they can get all the nutrients they get from veggies from other foods also.

We’re so fortunate to have fortified grains, orange juice, milk, formula… I know the argument is, but they don’t come from them naturally. Ok… I hear you! But if we’re in a global pandemic, I have a selective eater, or I don’t have access to as much produce (just to name a few, but not exhaustive, reasons) I’m pretty darn grateful for fortified foods.

So… know that if your kid is eating food, even if not as much produce as normal, they can still be healthy, thrive, and safe. And the most important thing is that they’re fed!

Grab a copy of my freebie: Facing Food Scarcity, also available HERE!

Thank you for joining me and letting me be a part of your journey in creating joyful eating for your family. I look forward to connecting with you soon!