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Why My Kid Ate 3 Bowls of Ice Cream for Dinner
Have you ever allowed your child to eat ice cream for dinner? At my son's 7th birthday party a few weeks ago, he skipped dinner, saying he wasn't hungry (read: too busy to stop and play), and instead ate 3 bowls of ice cream with toppings for dessert. So that night, by the time dessert came around, he was super hungry. He needed something to fill up on. He needed more than one bowl of ice cream. You might think this sounds extreme, or like horrible parenting to allow him to eat 3 bowls of ice cream for dinner.
5 Tips If Your Child’s Obsessed With Food
"The only food Joey wants to eat all day is macaroni and cheese. He asks for it all the time. He refuses to eat other foods. He might try one bite of something else if I bribe him with mac 'n cheese after. I'm so tired of making different foods and having him refuse to eat them. I'm exhausted from fighting at every meal, and I'm yelling. I don't yell at my kids, and I'm yelling."
5 Reasons Your Toddler Won’t Eat Dinner
If your toddler won't eat dinner, you're in the right place! This is one of the most frustrating issues for parents, so if this is you, you're not alone. Here are five key reasons your child might be refusing dinner and solutions for what you can do about it. While having kids is one of the most fun and rewarding life adventures, it can also be one of the most challenging. And who knew that food would fair near the top of the list for parenting struggles?
Is Emotional Eating Really That Bad?
Is emotional eating really that bad for you?
Do you find yourself spoon deep in a bowl of
Help Your Child Develop a Positive Body Image
My mom struggled with her own body image and I watched her diet and try to shrink herself from a young age, along with making a seemingly innocent comment toward my body. These things aren't the only reason I struggled to develop a positive body image. I have a predisposition toward perfectionist thinking and was also looking for a sense of control (i.e. tried to focus on controlling my body) when my life felt uncertain and out of control. In simple terms, it was the perfect storm. Now, I know that's not your intention, and you want to do the best for your child, so read through the following
Negative Body Image and Your Child
Your negative body image: Do you spend time looking in the mirror and scrutinizing your body? Or when you get together with a friend, are you comparing your body to theirs? Do you regularly criticize your appearance? If you do, you're not alone! We live in a dieting society, so this is absolutely normal. I grew up in diet culture too. Raise your hand if you remember the thigh master. Maybe you even had one. I had one in my home, along with other tools like tape measures, powdered drink packets, and Jane Fonda workout VHS tapes. These all belonged to my mom.