FAQ’s About the Division of Responsibility

2020-07-19T07:52:05+00:00By |

Lately I've been hearing a lot more about concerns that following the Division of Responsibility (DOR) just doesn't seem like it can work for certain families or situations... And I get it! Sometimes following Ellyn Satter’s DOR can be confusing. By now you’ve likely heard of this feeding philosophy, but I'll give you the short and sweet version. In its most basic terms: Parents decide what, when, and where food is offered. Children decide if and what to eat from the food provided. While it sounds simple in theory, it can be complex in practice. We’re human. We have our own food beliefs and preferences, personalities, schedules and circumstances. And we have children with different personalities and preferences as well.

Is Your Kid Crazy About Candy?

2020-07-19T07:53:20+00:00By |

Happy Valentine's Day! Is your kid crazy about candy? I'm not sure about you, but my kids started Valentine's parties last week, so we're in full swing with candy around here. The abundance of sweets can make this week feel more tricky to navigate in terms of food and specifically sugar. I get asked about sweets A LOT! It's probably the number one concern parents have overall in terms of feeding their kiddos. So I'm here to give you some tips! (And if you haven't downloaded them yet, grab my 2 FREE guides on sugar for more info!)

It’s OK If Your Kid Eats More Than a Grown Adult

2020-07-19T08:06:59+00:00By |

Do you ever feel like you're in the kitchen non-stop getting snacks or that you're standing up getting more food at a meal than actually sitting and eating? Well, me too! I think it's pretty normal, and I'm going to offer some tips about how to make it a bit less common. The other day for breakfast, I made eggs, sausage, english muffins, and fruit. I made what I thought was enough for everyone, with the likelihood that we would even have some left like we often do. My two-year-old daughter had one serving of eggs and then asked for another. After her and everyone had eaten their share, the eggs were gone, and she wanted more. I got up and scrambled her another egg. She ate that one... and then one more --> Four eggs and fruit. She's two!

One-liners to Help You Survive Your Next Holiday Gathering

2020-07-19T08:11:41+00:00By |

Holiday parties, school events, social media, magazine articles, in line at the grocery store... I don't know about you, but no matter where I go this time of year, I hear about someone's diet, them being "bad," or how they need to lose weight. Just this past week I removed myself from two different situations, one at a lovely school breakfast event with my preschooler and the other at a friend's holiday party.

Get Your Kid to Stay at the Table

2020-07-19T08:16:23+00:00By |

Does this sound at all familiar? A toddler trying to climb out of her seat. A 7-year-old trying to stand on the table. And a 4-year-old wanting to sit on your lap. Yes! That's what my dinner table often looks like ?‍♀️ I call my mission Joyful eating for you and your family, but sometimes my meals are anything but joyful. How are meals going for you?

How to Navigate Holiday Meals

2020-07-19T08:25:38+00:00By |

Even if you're not celebrating Thanksgiving, this email is still for you! I'm covering how to navigate holiday meals or any meal with others involved! As you know, following the Division of Responsibility (DOR) means that you provide the food and trust your child to eat what they choose. This means your child may only eat one food, or not eat at all! I've been looking at recipes and trying to decide what to make for sides to go with our Thanksgiving turkey. Today I'm leaving for camping, so I'm also trying to keep things simple!

It’s Not a Free for All

2020-07-19T07:07:18+00:00By |

I'm wondering, how do you handle meals and snacks in your home? Do you tend to be relaxed and let everyone eat when and what they want? This might be snacking throughout the day at different times and letting everyone choose whatever they feel like having at meals. As my 7 year old quotes me one time saying, "It's not a free for all!" Or are you really structured with your meals and snacks? Do you only allow eating at certain times, almost always the same day to day, and you choose what to eat? What's served is served!

The Number One Way to Help Your Child’s Sugar Obsession

2020-07-19T08:52:30+00:00By |

Do you have a kiddo who would only eat cookies, candy, and chips all day if you let him? Are you wondering, how to help your child's sugar obsession? You're definitely not alone! I hear this all the time from other parents too! You probably watch your kid eat an abundant amount of cookies at a party. Ask for ice cream all day. Or you give them a bowl of chips and they seemingly always want more!

Should I Let My Kid Eat What He Wants?

2020-07-19T07:05:12+00:00By |

Every time my mom watches my kids she says, "They eat so much fruit!" And, "They never stop eating!" She has started bringing fruit to my house when she watches them because she feels bad they go through so much. I know she wants them to be happy, get enough to eat, and to eat what they want. But it begs the question, "Should I let my kid eat what he wants?"