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Nicole Cruz, RD, Shares What Helped in Her Own Recovery

I was interviewed for an article on Psychology Today by the wonderful eating disorder expert and therapist Jennifer Rollin. I am always grateful to share my story of recovering from an eating disorder, and I hope to inspire others to commit to a life free from obsession and concern about food and body. I know that full recovery is possible, and while I wouldn't wish an eating disorder upon anyone, I know that because I struggled through it, it has been a gift. It has awakened me in my own life and pushed me to help others who struggle.

Body, Mind and Soul

You might have heard these three words (body, mind, and soul) used together before, or you might be wondering what nutrition has to do with your mind and soul. After all, isn't nutrition just fuel for your body? If this is the way you think about food, you are not alone. Food is fuel, just like putting gasoline (or electricity) in your car. It is the energy utilized to make the body function.

The Cycle of Empty Promises

I am so often reminded of all the information rapidly circulating about food and diets. Clients come in confused. They tell me, "My doctor put me on a low-fat, 1200 calorie diet." "My trainer told me not to eat any carbs or dairy." "The chiropractor told me not to eat protein and carbs within 2 hours." "I read a book that said all acidic foods will make you lose weight" or "I saw on TV that your body cannot break down protein before noon or eating after 6pm will make you gain weight."

Zero Calorie Lunch

I decided to write my first blog after seeing a commercial that continues to weigh on me (pun intended). Just the other day I had the TV on in the background as I was doing something around the house that I can't remember at the moment. My radar seems to always be on for so-called trigger words... "Calories" must have done it this time! I stopped whatever I was doing and walked over to the front of the TV to see a commercial featuring three women comparing their lunches. Two women were sitting at a table on their lunch break discussing the number of calories in each of their



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