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It’s Not a Free for All
I'm wondering, how do you handle meals and snacks in your home? Do you tend to be relaxed and let everyone eat when and what they want? This might be snacking throughout the day at different times and letting everyone choose whatever they feel like having at meals. As my 7 year old quotes me one time saying, "It's not a free for all!" Or are you really structured with your meals and snacks? Do you only allow eating at certain times, almost always the same day to day, and you choose what to eat? What's served is served!
The Number One Way to Help Your Child’s Sugar Obsession
Do you have a kiddo who would only eat cookies, candy, and chips all day if you let him? Are you wondering, how to help your child's sugar obsession? You're definitely not alone! I hear this all the time from other parents too! You probably watch your kid eat an abundant amount of cookies at a party. Ask for ice cream all day. Or you give them a bowl of chips and they seemingly always want more!
Should I Let My Kid Eat What He Wants?
Every time my mom watches my kids she says, "They eat so much fruit!" And, "They never stop eating!" She has started bringing fruit to my house when she watches them because she feels bad they go through so much. I know she wants them to be happy, get enough to eat, and to eat what they want. But it begs the question, "Should I let my kid eat what he wants?"
Why You Should Reconsider Your Next 30 Day Detox
As the new year approaches, are you thinking about changing your eating habits? Maybe doing a 30 day detox or going on the popular Whole 30? While these programs tout themselves as "lifestyle" programs, they are actually diets in disguise. They involve following a set of rules, not eating certain things, and being restrictive. They also promise enticing results, sure to make you feel like you have to continue on the specific plan in order to achieve these things.
Should I Require a No Thank You Bite?
I was sitting across the kitchen table looking at three plates, basically untouched, thinking to myself, "Really? Why do I even bother to make dinner?" They were loaded with spaghetti, broccoli, bread, and watermelon. As the chairs around the table emptied, the plates were still full. Can you relate? Please tell me you can! I often work so hard to put a meal together, one that I think my kids will enjoy, and maybe even one they have previously devoured, but instead of being gobbled down with a big "Yumm", it's dumped in the garbage.
Obesity: Why We Have It All Wrong
First, let me say I don't like the term obesity. I don't use it in my practice as a dietitian or with my friends and family unless it's such a major part of their vernacular it's the only way I can connect. If it's what I need to use to be on common ground or to make a point, I do.